Hey, you found me!

Quoc.Nguyen / May 15, 2019

Me and my Family

If you’ve found this, you’re likely looking to learn just a little bit more about me. I figured it’d be great to add a picture and post my linkedin bio just in case you were!

Currently working for the Walt Disney Company, managing a team of DevOpsSupport folks supporting our enterprise instances of Gitlab, Github, Nexus, & Jenkins. I’m a fan of HackerRank and NewRelic; I’m an interview nerd and data nerd. I used to write BASH, C++, Python, & Java code, I used to tinker a ton with Oracle, SQL Server, MongoDB, Cassandra. I currently oversee folks using AWS & Kubernetes to provide scalable Build & Delivery solutions. I love to help architect solutions and build teams to amplify software developer productivity!

I am also very nerdy about cameras, I used to take lots of photos and videos. I once had a great time taking photos with my 85mm 1.2 lens, using flash at 7.1 aperture, if you know what that means let’s nerd out!

Just recently ran into this article entitled “Engineering Manager: The pendulum or the ladder” by the wonderful Charity Majors; I’m at the fork in the road and this article speaks directly to me!

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